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Kidney Diet Tips - 5 Ways To Enjoy Kidney-Friendly Holidays


Episode 226: Kidney Diet Tips - 5 Ways To Enjoy Kidney-Friendly Holidays. ‘Tis the season for parties, social gatherings, tons of goodies, and a round (or two) of drinks! Some holiday traditions don’t scream kidney-friendly holidays, which can set us up for a stressful new year or crazy new year’s resolution. And as much as we want to enjoy the holidays with our loved ones, we also don’t want to leave the day, the party, or the holiday season feeling sluggish and full of regret – or worse – in poor health. In this video, Renal Dietitian Jen Hernandez of Plant-Powered Kidneys will give you some tips on how to navigate the holidays in a kidney-friendly way.

Renal Dietitian Jen Hernandez of Plant-Powered Kidneys will discuss:
Don’t “save room for later”
Eat a small meal or snack before going to the party
Eating before the party can help your blood sugars
Partake in Potlucks
Veggie tray for kidney-friendly holidays
Bring kidney-friendly holiday punch
Use your resources for kidney-friendly holiday recipes
Find Ways to Stay Active
Strength in numbers
Staying active while staying safe
Mind Your Meds
Keep meds close
Be smart with a smartphone
Use your support system
Keep Alcohol at Bay
Sip and savor to make special kidney-friendly holidays
Limit alcohol amount
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Learn more at renal dietitian Jen Hernandez's "5 Ways To Enjoy Kidney-Friendly Holidays" blog

Jen Hernandez's Mission 👉 To simplify the nutritional needs for individuals with kidney disease, and to decrease the prevalence of kidney disease by providing nutrition education including realistic and wholesome lifestyle changes 🥗.

Jen helps those with kidney disease find their best kidney-friendly diet 🥑 ! Jen's kidney warriors spend less time stressing over the "right" foods to eat 😓 and more time saving their kidney function and loving life 🙌 !

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While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in writing and preparing this website, no representation or warranties exist with the respect to the accuracy and completeness of this website, or that the contents apply to your current health or form of disease.  The advice, research, diet, and plan may not be appropriate for all patients.  A medical doctor should always assist you in making any treatment decisions and patients should always be under the care and supervision of a physician.  You should never make treatment decisions on your own without consulting a physician.  Neither the author nor the publisher are liable for any medical decisions made based on the contents of this website.  This includes special, incidental, consequential, or any other kinds of damage or liability.


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