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Kidney Disease Diet: One Meal A Day (OMAD Keto) and CKD


Episode 53: Kidney Disease Diet: One Meal A Day (OMAD Keto) and CKD benefits and results. I announced I have changed my Intermittent fasting to OMAD (one meal a day) as part of my kidney diet to improve my renal health. The OMAD benefits include breaking insulin resistance, staying in ketosis, and activating autophagy. In this video I cover one meal a day benefits and results, including:

What is one meal a day (OMAD)
• Type of Intermittent fasting.
• IM is eating all of your food, nutrients, and calories in a reduced amount of time.
• Average person eats 6 times a day (3 meals, 3 snacks), which keeps your blood sugar elevated and puts continued stress on your kidneys.
• Intermittent Fasting is NOT starving – your just eating less often.
• Drink water all day – even when not eating
• With OMAD you usually eat everything in 1 hour.
o BIG meals
o Can be hard to eat it all, have to focus on QUALITY food
o You are FULL – STUFFED after your meal and have no interest in eating the rest of the day. Helps stop snacking.

Am I hungry only eating one meal a day?
• No – I will start to get hungry as my meal time approaches, but it is a normal hunger.
• Remember, these are BIG meals, you are stuffed once you eat it and have no interest or hunger the rest of the day.
• Wake up in the morning and busy getting ready for work, easy to push off eating until close to noon.

Why do I do OMAD Keto?
• Break Insulin Resistance. Managing your blood sugar is important in improving your GFR when you have CKD and Insulin Resistance is harmful to improving your health.
• Save time – making only 1 meal a day, no always planning my next thing to eat
• Stay in Ketosis – don’t have a gallbladder
• Helps with my weight loss goal. You always need a reason for doing something!
• Autophagy – the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. So many benefits for staying younger, healthier, and living longer.

Will I do OMAD KETO forever?
• No – this is part of my strategy to lose weight.
• Will go back to Intermittent Fasting with 2 meals a day once I hit goals.
• Will do it a few times a year for autophagy benefits

Should you do OMAD?
• You must talk to your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to do this and to understand how it will impact your blood sugar.
• I’m doing Keto, Renal, Intermittent Fasting, Low Inflammation, Vegetarian – it’s a lot to think about, but only having 1 meal a day makes it easier.
• If you do want to try OMAD, it is best to work up to it. Get used to eating for just 8 hours, then 6, then 4, then 1.
• Must focus on QUALITY food – this is your one meal to get everything you need, including calories.
• Keep yourself busy – having lots of free time leads to wanting to snack
• Keep temptations away.
• Get your family to support you
o No easy
o They have to keep snacks and food away
o They have to understand this is important to you
• Drink plenty of water ALL DAY LONG.

For more videos and kidney disease treatment strategy tips from a CKD patient, watch:
Kidney Failure Symptoms: CKD Tips to stop KIDNEY DISEASE and PREVENT RENAL FAILURE

Kidney Function: Optimizing your RENAL DIET to beat CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and avoid KIDNEY FAILURE

Potassium And Kidney Disease Diet: What you NEED to know to avoid kidney failure

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 and Stage 4 Renal Diet - What I ate to improve my kidney function

Overcoming sleep issues with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), low kidney function, and kidney failure

Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: How I increased my GFR & improved my kidney function Part 1


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Patients should always be under the care of a physician and defer to their physician for any and all treatment decisions.  This website is not meant to replace a physician’s advice, supervision, and counsel.  No information on the website should be construed as medical advice.  All medical decisions should be made by the patient and a qualified physician.  This website is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE.

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