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Kidney Disease Diet | Tips to find safe foods for your CKD diet to help avoid kidney failure


Episode 16: Kidney Disease Food Tips: What to look for in your Chronic Kidney Disease Diet to avoid kidney failure and improve kidney function. ( Download food list from ) It may seem almost impossible to find kidney disease food for your renal diet - your kidney dietician gave you a list of foods you can not eat with chronic kidney disease and it seems like everything you want is on that list. DadviceTV will share the things you need to look for when selecting foods for your kidney diet that will lower your creatinine levels - this will help you create your own kidney diet food list and help you find more foods that fit within your kidney diet. By following these kidney disease diet tips and recommendations and reading food labels you will expand your knowledge of foods available on your kidney diet and lower your creatinine levels, thus improving kidney function and your overall health. Finding the right kidney disease food for your renal diet that lower your creatinine quickly is easier than you think when you follow these tips.

Kidney Health – When your kidneys are healthy, they remove waste and excess toxins from your blood. Kidney health is also vital in regulating blood pressure and building strong bones.

When you have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) your kidney disease directly impacts your kidney function, reducing how well your kidneys remove toxins and waste from your blood. People with kidney disease also have difficulty controlling their blood pressure since it is one of the functions of a healthy kidney.

Everyone with Chronic Kidney Disease should work with their doctor to customize their own strategy. It is critical to follow your doctor's instructions for the plan specific to your kidney disease. Your doctor may prescribe medications, a kidney diet, and set limits for your daily Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Protein, Carbohydrates, and Calcium.

By not following your doctor's plan and eating a healthy kidney diet, you will eventually end up with end-stage renal failure, also known as stage 5 kidney disease or Kidney Failure. At that point, your kidney disease diet will become extremely strict, and you may need to consider dialysis to stay alive. Dialysis does not duplicate all of the kidney's functions, and it is hard on your body as it uses machines to detox your kidneys and removes waste and toxins from your blood. It should be your goal to avoid dialysis by working with your doctor to improve your kidney function.

To prevent Kidney failure, follow your kidney doctor and kidney dietician's recommended kidney diet. Also, understand that there currently is no cure for Kidney Disease. However, it is possible to improve your kidney function and increase your GFR through the proper kidney diet and treatment.

Some essential things to limit or avoid on ALL kidney diets are sodium (salt), phosphate, potassium, carbohydrates (sugar), and protein. It is also suitable for your kidneys and overall health to avoid artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, artificial preservatives, and highly processed foods.

If you have Chronic Kidney Disease, you also must manage your blood sugar levels (diabetes) and high blood pressure (hypertension) very carefully. Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure can damage your kidneys, reduce kidney function, and increase toxins and waste in your blood. They also put additional stress on your kidneys, causing inflammation that reduces kidney function and lowers your GFR.

I encourage others to educate themselves on Kidney Disease and fight kidney disease. Join me and learn how you can prevent kidney disease, how to avoid kidney failure, and how to improve kidney function naturally.

▶ Learn more about James Fabin Kidney Health Coach and Kidney Disease at:
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IMPORTANT: This video is intended to be informational only. It is not a medical consultation, nor is it personalized medical advice. This video is not meant to replace a physician's advice, supervision, and counsel. For medical advice, please consult your physician.

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