12 Bad Habits that can damage your kidneys, lead to Chronic Kidney Disease or kidney failure
Episode 12: Bad Habits that can damage your kidneys, lead to chronic kidney disease, kidney problems, or kidney failure. These bad habits can damage your kidneys and cause symptoms of kidneys crying for help and should be avoided and discussed with your doctors. You can improve your kidney health, increase kidney function, prevent kidney problems, avoid kidney failure, slow the loss of kidney function, or stop chronic kidney disease progression by stopping these bad habits and adding foods that are good for your overall health in your renal diet. Make certain to work closely with YOUR doctors and a renal dietitian - they are your best resource for kidney care tips for your specific situation and health.
How to improve Kidney Health, Beat CKD, and Avoid Dialysis Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e_ga9FGTY8&list=PLzny3C6CQW39TqgFoS_xajnN3t9fOOJJd
For those who already have Chronic Kidney Disease, it is important to protect your kidney health and kidney function to avoid kidney failure. Avoiding these bad habits for kidney health is just one step of how to prevent kidney failure and kidney damage. Preventing kidney failure and kidney damage also requires eating a kidney-friendly renal diet and living a kidney-friendly healthy lifestyle (a renal dietitian can help you here, especially if you are like me and have food allergies). Please note - there is no 1 diet for everyone, working with a renal dietitian to customize your diet is one of the best things you can do for your health.
When you see signs of kidney disease or have symptoms of kidney problems you CAN take action to prevent further kidney damage or slow down the progression. Signs of kidney problems does not guarantee you will develop chronic kidney disease. Patients with Chronic kidney disease or kidney failure symptoms do not always require dialysis. Lifestyle and diet changes can help to slow down, stop, or reverse kidney damage and treat symptoms of kidney failure.
For more videos and kidney disease treatment strategy tips from a CKD patient, watch:
Kidney Failure Symptoms: CKD Tips to stop KIDNEY DISEASE and PREVENT RENAL FAILURE
Kidney Function: Optimizing your RENAL DIET to beat CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and avoid KIDNEY FAILURE
Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5 and Stage 4 Renal Diet - What I ate to improve my kidney function
Overcoming sleep issues with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), low kidney function, and kidney failure
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: How I increased my GFR & improved my kidney function Part 1
▶ Learn more about James Fabin Kidney Health Coach and Kidney Disease at: https://www.dadvicetv.com/
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IMPORTANT: This video is intended to be informational only. It is not a medical consultation, nor is it personalized medical advice. This video is not meant to replace a physician's advice, supervision, and counsel. For medical advice, please consult your physician.
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