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Sodium And Kidneys - Salt intake for those with Kidney Disease on a Renal Diet


Episode 59: Sodium And Kidneys - Salt intake for those with Chronic Kidney Disease on a Renal Diet. When it comes to sodium and kidneys, very few things are as misunderstood AND controversial as salt. Why is that when salt and sodium is so abundant all across the planet and our bodies need it to function?

• Salt in Kidney Disease is very misunderstood when it comes to impact on those with kidney disease and reduced kidney function.
• Salt is typically made up of sodium and chloride. Sodium makes up about 40% of salt. Some salt also contains potassium and other trace minerals.
• Sodium is an essential mineral your body needs – getting too little sodium is not healthy.
• Sodium is important in regulating blood pressure and volume, helping transmit impulses for nerve function and muscle contraction, and regulating the PH balance of your body.
• As your kidney function declines, your kidney's ability to regulate sodium and fluid within your body will also decline.
• Sodium and Potassium balance in kidneys: Those on a low potassium diet, such as those with CKD, will be more sensitive to their sodium intake.
• Higher salt intake on a low potassium diet (like kidney disease patients use) has been shown to increase blood pressure.
• Higher blood pressure increases the potential for additional kidney damage, which makes regulating your blood pressure even more difficult. It is an ever-increasing bad situation.
• Should you limit your salt intake? It will all depend on your labs. You need to maintain the right amount of sodium. Your doctor will look at your labs, how active you are, salt cravings you may have, and other lifestyle factors to determine what amount of sodium is right for you, proving you a daily minimum and maximum targets.
• Be aware that about 75% of the average person’s sodium in their diet comes from processed food. Limiting processed foods will allow you to better manage your sodium, while also enjoying it more in your recipes.
• If you get salt cravings, that is a sign that you may need more sodium in your diet.
• Not getting enough sodium will cause your body to strip sodium, magnesium, and calcium from your bones.
• Symptoms of low sodium can include muscle cramps, muscle spasms, getting dizzy when you stand up, muscle weakness, and headaches. An increase in your BUN with a normal Creatinine level can also indicate you need more sodium. This all can have other causes, so work with your doctor to find the true cause.
• Symptoms of too much sodium and fluid in patients with kidney disease can include high blood pressure, swelling of the ankles/feet/hands, puffiness under your eyes, shortness of breath.
• Not all salts are the same – some are heavily processed, bleached, have anti-caking chemicals added, and are missing iodine. When reaching for salt I go for Pink Himalayan Sea Salt or Redmond Real Sea Salt from a salt grinder.
• Where is the controversy? That comes down to how much a person should have per day. Throughout history, people have consumed much more salt than we do today. In Korea, they consume almost double the amount of salt as we do here in the US, yet they have the lowest rate of heart disease in the world according to the World Health Organization.
• That raises the question – what the right amount of salt for your diet is. That question can only be answered by your health care team after looking at your labs, how active you are, salt cravings you may have, and other lifestyle factors.
• The kidneys are very capable of regulating the sodium in a healthy person. But if you are like me, with damaged kidneys, I’m sure you will agree with my opinion that we need to help our kidneys out by managing how much salt we consume. By giving our body the salt it needs, and not too much, we can reduce excess work placed on our kidneys.
• Some tips most can benefit from include: Limiting processed and packaged foods, choosing a quality salt, using a salt grinder instead of a shaker, reading food labels.

Kidney Function: Optimizing your RENAL DIET to beat CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and avoid KIDNEY FAILURE


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