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Unlocking the Secrets of Evolving Diet Needs in CKD: A Must-Watch Chat with Dietitian Kath Crotts


Episode 287: In this episode of Dadvice TV, we are diving into a topic that should be at the top of everyone's list—how your dietary needs change as chronic kidney disease (CKD) progresses and why regular diet reviews with a dietitian are crucial.

Why You Can't Miss This Episode
The dietary aspect of CKD management is like shifting sands; it changes as you move from one stage to another. What works for you at stage 2 might not be effective or even recommended at stage 4. This episode aims to shed light on this ever-evolving landscape. And guess what? I have got a special co-host today to guide us through this maze, the renowned registered dietitian, Kath Crotts from Kidney Nutrition Care ( ).

Who is Kath Crotts?
Kath Crotts is a registered dietitian specializing in kidney health. She has a wealth of experience and offers personalized nutrition counseling through her website Kidney Nutrition Care. Her insights are grounded in solid science and years of experience—just the expert we need for this deep dive!

IMPORTANT: This video is intended to be informational only. It is not a medical consultation, nor is it personalized medical advice. This video is not meant to replace a physician's advice, supervision, and counsel. For medical advice, please consult your physician.

#KidneyHealth #KidneyDisease #ckd #DadviceTV #dietitian

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While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in writing and preparing this website, no representation or warranties exist with the respect to the accuracy and completeness of this website, or that the contents apply to your current health or form of disease.  The advice, research, diet, and plan may not be appropriate for all patients.  A medical doctor should always assist you in making any treatment decisions and patients should always be under the care and supervision of a physician.  You should never make treatment decisions on your own without consulting a physician.  Neither the author nor the publisher are liable for any medical decisions made based on the contents of this website.  This includes special, incidental, consequential, or any other kinds of damage or liability.


Patients should always be under the care of a physician and defer to their physician for any and all treatment decisions.  This website is not meant to replace a physician’s advice, supervision, and counsel.  No information on the website should be construed as medical advice.  All medical decisions should be made by the patient and a qualified physician.  This website is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE.

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